May 4 Election Results in Llano County


An earlier version of the article described the Llano ISD trustee, Place 1 race as an 'upset.' The corrected sentence now reads: "In Llano ISD trustee, Place 1, Pamela Huston (752 votes, 41.03%) was defeated by incumbent Rob Wilson (1,081, 58.97%)." We regret the error.


In Llano County municipal and school board races, the following are the unofficial results of the May election, according to the elections office.

In the Kingsland Municipal Utility District Board of Directors Place 1 election Josh Caropepe received the most votes among three candidates. The results were: David Travers (64 votes), Lewis Young (42 votes) and Caropepe (91 votes); For the Place 2 KMUD position, Dianne Wolfington was unopposed.

Llano ISD
Llano Independent School District trustee, Place 5, top vote getter was Dean Campbell (853 votes, 47.21%).  The other candidate tallies were: Reed Norman (237 votes, 13.12%) and Penny Wimberly (717 votes, 39.68%).
In Llano ISD trustee, Place 1, Pamela Huston (752 votes, 41.03%) was defeated by incumbent Rob Wilson (1,081, 58.97%).

City of Llano
For Llano City Council, voters chose three among six candidates for alderman.  The top three vote getters were incumbent Laura Almond, Kelli Tudyk and Les McDaniel. The results were: Shaden Allen (96 votes, 8.69%), Almond (316 votes, 28.57%), Melissa Baugus (106 votes, 9.58%), Julie Ireland (129 votes, 11.66%), Tudyk (235 votes, 21.25%) and McDaniel (224 votes, 20.25%).

LlanoCo MUD
For Llano County Municipal Utility District Board of Directors, Place 1, voters were tasked with filling two seats. The results were: Nancy Bragg (55 votes, 40.74%), Janice Luce (44 votes,32.59%) and incumbent Red Stewart (36 votes, 26.67%). Bragg and Luce were the top two vote getters.
-Sunrise Beach
For mayor of Sunrise Beach, the results were: Rob Hardy (211 votes, 57.03%) and John Schwin (159 votes, 42.97%). For city council, Sunrise Beach, the results were Jeffery (Jeff) Cook (234 votes, 39.07%), Frank Donnell (151 votes, 25.21%) and incumbent Daniel Gower (214 votes, 35.73%). Cook was the top vote getter.

Sunrise Beach
For mayor of Sunrise Beach, the results were: Rob Hardy (211 votes, 57.03%) and John Schwin (159 votes, 42.97%). For city council, Sunrise Beach, the results were Jeffery (Jeff) Cook (234 votes, 39.07%), Frank Donnell (151 votes, 25.21%) and incumbent Daniel Gower (214 votes, 35.73%). Cook was the top vote getter.