Letter details concerns about feral cat control


Editor’s note: The correspondence below, dated Dec. 14, was addressed to Granite Shoals City Mayor Ron Munos from officials with the Hill Country Humane Society. See related story on Page 1.

Mayor Munos: This letter is to serve as formal notice that the Hill Country Humane Society will no longer provide services to the City of Granite Shoals. The audio recording we received from the November 26, 2023, Wildlife Advisory Committee meeting reveals blatantly illegal and unethical behavior that cannot be ignored. This recording reveals that not only was there an attempt to develop a plan to inhumanely shoot captured cats and dispose of their carcasses, but there was also open discussion between members of the committee and the city manager about the need to conceal such activities from the general public. Additionally, one member of the committee suggested “mass euthanasia” through the use of poisoned food to “take out 50 cats at once … without the neighbors knowing it.” Furthermore, comments from the city manager and members of the committee indicate that some of these activities may already be occurring by the police department and are not simply discussion as some have tried to indicate.

In order to protect the animals that we are committed to serve and in an attempt to be a good community partner, we have continued to accept animals from your community despite the fact the city has not executed a contract for this fiscal year and has not provided any payments for the protection of animals, we will not stand by and support, or be associated with, an entity that condones this behavior in any way.

We remain committed to our mission of protecting the animals of Burnet and Llano counties and will accept animals in need directly from citizens of Granite Shoals as our capacity allows. As an organization committed to animal welfare, we will continue to do our part to ensure the animals do not suffer as a result of this behavior and hope that one day things will change that might once again allow the type of relationship that we have with our other community partners.

We sincerely hope that you take advantage of the resources that are available to humanely fulfill your legal obligations for animal control within your community. Sincerely, Dr. Dan McBride President Board of Directors of the Hill Country Humane Society.