Understanding the dangers of drug use and fentanyl

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The safety and security of our students is a top priority. I have a growing concern about a crisis developing in Central Texas.

The media has reported that Fentanyl has led to life-threatening hospitalization and even the death of several school aged students in Central Texas.

This drug has injured and killed pre-teen and teenage students. Also, Fentanyl seems to be more prevalent than in previous times. All illicit drugs are harmful, but this one is especially dangerous. There is no chance to experiment with Fentanyl. One use can be life threatening and cause death. WHAT WE WILL DO 1. EDUCATE STUDENTS – We will discuss with high school and middle school students the dangers of Fentanyl and 2. MONITOR CAMPUS ACTIVITY – As always, students will be monitored on campus for any suspicious activity or behavior, and no unauthorized visitors will be permitted; and 3. BE PREPARED, STAY VIGILANT AND COMMUNICATE. WHATYOU CAN DO 1. TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN – Tell them that ANY pill they get from a friend, purchased online or off the street could be a counterfeit pill containing Fentanyl. Fentanyl may even look like candy. Only take medication that was prescribed by a doctor, purchased at a pharmacy, and approved by parents or guardians; 2. LEARN ABOUT THE FENTANYLCRISIS – Help spread the word that this is a dangerous situation. (Visit the Centers for Disease Control website’s Fentanyl Facts page as a starting-point: https:// www.cdc.gov/stopoverdose/ fentanyl/index.html; 3. KEEP ITEMS FROM THE CLASSROOM – Ensure your child does not share nor carry any medications with them to school. All medications, including over-the-counter medications, are to be delivered to the school nurse for distribution. Students should not carry any medications with them at school nor share them for any reason; 4. REACH OUT – to your school nurse or counselor with any specific concerns or if you need additional resources that are unique to your family; and 5. MONITOR PHONE AND SOCIAL MEDIA USE – Ensure your students are having safe interactions. Know with whom your student has contact and keep an eye out for suspicious activity.

Dr. Chris Allen drug use;