Marble Falls ISD Board of Trustees

Division, legality prompts MFISD to reverse mask mandate

The Marble Falls Independent School District Board of Trustees voted unanimously Wednesday, Sept. 8 to overturn a mask requirement at campuses after legal challenges changed and residents publicly voiced opinions. In a social media post following the special called meeting, district officials offered two reasons why the mandate was lifted. “This issue deeply divides this community and we are committed to action that will allow us to step back and put processes in place that seek to unite us as we address the issues of the pandemic,” the statement read. “Last week when the mask mandate was put in place, district counsel indicated it was ‘totally legal.’ Due to extermination of a temporary injunction that was in place, GA-38 now has the force of law in Burnet County.”

Uncertainty looms over 2021-22 Marble Falls ISD budget

Marble Falls Independent School District officials are waiting for answers to more questions than usual as discussions begin about the 2021-22 budget and tax rate. Initial estimates place the overall budget somewhere between a deficit of approximately $300,000 and a surplus of over $1 million, depending on property values, recapture and the district’s ability to keep students in class.

Marble Falls ISD teachers ready for in-person instruction

Teachers across Marble Falls Independent School District are geared up for the first day of school on Aug. 19, and the consensus opinion is "we're ready." The board of trustees provided an opportunity for all teachers across the district to equip their classrooms as they see fit by approving a one-time $300 payment for "educational technology needs, personal protective equipment and other needs” at the Aug.