May 4 municipal and water board election results


According to preliminary results from the Burnet County elections office, three cities selected their council members and a water district received a yes vote.

Marble Falls
Marble Falls City Council contested position was Place 5. Westerman received a plurality of votes among three candidates. Election results in that contested race were: William D. (Dee) Haddock (161 votes, 43.75%); John S. Davis (26 votes, 7.07%); and Westerman (181 votes, 49.18%). Two other seats were held onto by incumbents Griff Morris and Lauren Haltom, who were unopposed for Place 1 and Place 3 respectively.

In Meadowlakes, in the mayor’s race incumbent Mark Bentley held onto his position. The results were: Bentley, (312 votes, 85.95%) and Aaron Codispoti (51 votes, 14.05%). For Meadowlakes Place 1: Mike Barry (108 votes, 29.67%) and Don Wheeler (256 votes, 70.33%). Unofficial results showed Wheeler is the presumptive winner.
For the Place 3 Meadowlakes City Council position the results were: Jerry Drummond (85 votes, 23.42%) and Carolyn Richmond (278 votes, 76.58%). Richmond will be declared the winner.

Granite Shoals
For Granite Shoals City Council, Place 6, Catherine Bell received the most votes; The results were: Bell (234 votes, 82.69%) and Phil Ort (49 votes, 17.31%).
In Granite Shoals, Brian Edwards ran unopposed for city council Place 1 and will be elected to the position; Mike Pfister ran unopposed for Place 2; and Steve Hougen was unopposed for Place 4.

Cimarron Shores Board
The Cimarron Shores Water Control and Improvement District  on "confirmation, directors and maintenance tax election” was approved with one vote. Proposition A involved the confirmation of the creation of the Cimarron Shores Water Control and Improvement District. The directors confirmed in the election were: Ramesh Adusumilli, Siva N. Chandu, Venkata Kishore Gadde, Srini Kamana, Ravindra Babu Kongara. Proposition B for the Cimarron Shores Water Control also passed with a single vote which would allow the district to impose and levy a maintenance tax in amount not to exceed $1.20 per $100 of assessed valuation by the district.