Local business best at the roast for a hot cup of Joe

  • Alex Payson roasts coffee fresh daily at Numinous Coffee Roasters in Marble Falls. Judith Shabram/The Highlander
    Alex Payson roasts coffee fresh daily at Numinous Coffee Roasters in Marble Falls. Judith Shabram/The Highlander
  • Numinous Coffee Roasters is located 715 FM 1431 in Marble Falls, just off US 281. Contributed photos
    Numinous Coffee Roasters is located 715 FM 1431 in Marble Falls, just off US 281. Contributed photos
  • Among other items on the menu are pastries homemade at Numinous Coffee Roasters.
    Among other items on the menu are pastries homemade at Numinous Coffee Roasters.

The phrase “let’s have coffee” promotes a simple concept that most understand to mean a pleasant encounter with friends or family in a neighborhood establishment with amazing smells, friendly faces, and comfortable chairs.

From the beginning, the coffee house has been a destination where people gather to exchange ideas, including notables like Hemingway and Picasso.

So much has changed; however, the coffee house is still the local neighborhood meeting place that transcends all cultural barriers.

While most coffee houses are in strip malls or stand-alone buildings, Numinous Coffee Roasters, 715 FM 1431, is in a house atop a ridge in Marble Falls, Texas, surrounded by native oak trees and outdoor seating, yielding a unique atmosphere that is familiar and welcoming.

When you walk through the door, the aroma of freshly roasted coffee confirms the ex perience will be pleasant. In truth, the smell is one of our most heightened senses.

About eighty percent of our enjoyment of eating and drinking depends on the aroma.

Even non-coffee drinkers are affected by the heady scent that can range from nutty, spicy, floral, or smoky and agree just the smell of coffee is stimulating.

Because the aroma and flavor of coffee are unlocked in the roasting process, Alex Payson, the owner, is committed to the daily cycle.

Beans on the shelf for purchase are on a twoweek turnaround to en- sure the freshness and fla vor are not compromised.

He is the only roaster in Burnet County.

It is helpful that Alex has a degree in biology and biochemistry because the taste of coffee is complex, affected by physical and geographical growing locations, the production and processing of the bean down to the preparation of the cup of coffee we enjoy.

Alex uses ethically sourced, all-natural beans and has worked with some producers.

Most important, however, is how this translates into the drinkability and enjoyment of the finished


For Alex Payson, it is all about the perfect com- bination of flavors with his coffee drinks.

For example, he makes all of his syrups from scratch.

At Numinous, the fla vored latte is elevated to foodie decadence with choices like lavender, ginger, and fresh rosemary.

You won't find the Cortado at most coffee shops, which has Spanish origins but is similar to a latte; however, the steamed milk is poured directly over the expresso shots.

The Numinous version is served cooler in a seven- ounce European style that can be consumed in one drink.

Another unique offering is the Affagato, traditionally known in Italian as “affagato al caffe,” which means drowned in coffee, apropos since it consists of a double shot of expresso poured over two scoops of premium ice cream.

Numinous also serves conventional coffee drinks like cappuccino, Americano, and mochas, along with smoothies, teas, lemonade, and hot chocolate.

Most coffee shops offer baked goods, but Numinous takes this to another level because Alex Payson is also a baker.

His scones come in cranberry orange, jalapeno cheddar, ginger, cinnamon chip, or strawberry chocolate.

Everything is baked in-house, including Kolaches and cookies. Other menu items include a turkey sriracha sandwich, a chicken salad sandwich, and a beet, pecan, and goat cheese salad.

For many, developing a sourdough starter from scratch is daunting.

But, for Alex, it was the only option for creating his famous sourdough bread, cinnamon rolls, breakfast sandwiches, and English muffins.

His starter is named Lucy, and she began her journey in 2015.

Although the process is not complicated, it can be time-consuming but once perfected, starters kept properly will be ac- tive indefinitely.

Alex Payson is strongly involved in the local community in many dimensions.

The walls of the coffee shop are decorated with local artists, and he stocks books authored by local writers.

Numinous supports the food pantry with bread, and Alex has personally participated in disaster relief efforts with a national group that draws chefs from all over the country.

During what Texans refer to as Snow-vid, the year that many were without water and power for nearly a week, with the help of a generator, he and others worked to help feed 800 people in two days.

On the website, Nu- minous is defined as that feeling of being in the presence of something greater than yourself.

For some, that could be the smell of freshly roasted coffee, sourdough bread in the oven, or the first sip of a fantastic cup of coffee shared with friends.

At Numinous, the goal is “everything freshly prepared and made from scratch” because Alex believes “we are simply a reflection of the wonder ful community we are a part of.”