Mark Sebastian Miles Weindel

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d. August 1, 2021 

Mark Sebastian Miles Weindel passed away on August 1, 2021 in his family’s home in Marble Falls, TX. He was 49 years old, originally from Toronto, Canada and his parents, Herbert & Sophie Weindel were immigrants from Germany, Ukraine and Canada.

Their family business was in construction in Horseshoe Bay while Mark Sebastian was an Artist, Designer, Builder and Entertainer in Austin.

He loved the natural world, boating on the Highland Lakes, animals, motorcycle tours, fashion, art installation, putting on events and being with his many friends. He never met a stranger and always sought to encourage freedom in everyone he met.

He was a wild, brilliant, playful, intensely pragmatic, truth-seeking visionary, explorer soul who touched many peoples lives in his time on earth. Sebastian was Born Again in the Spirit of God just before his passing. He’s survived by distant family in Canada, his close friends and many acquaintances.

The Weindel Family’s Memorial is at the Coming King Foundation in Kerrville, TX. The Foundation is opento the public and the memorial is located on a large limestone bench on the western side of the grounds between the Star of David and Hope Statue.